We cat owners are always looking for ways to make tending the litter less messy and less smelly.
If you haven’t discovered crystal cat litter yet, I’m here to tell you that it does both those things. Once you give it a try, you may never want to go back to traditional cat litter with gross, sticky clumps.
In this post you’ll discover exactly what crystal litter is, how it works, and its pros and cons. You’ll also get detailed reviews of the different brands of crystal litter on the market.
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Find the Best Litter (and box) for You and Your Cat
✅ The Top 3 Crystal Cat Litters
Litter Pearls Micro Crystals Cat LitterPetSafe Premium Crystal Litter – 3 Pack
Fresh Step Crystals Premium Cat Litter
These 3 crystal cat litters were the ones with the highest overall amazon ratings at the time of this writing.
Keep scrolling to read detailed descriptions and reviews of each of them, plus several other crystal litters.
But first, let’s answer some common questions about crystal cat litter.
✅ What Exactly is Crystal Cat Litter?
Crystal cat litter, or silica gel, is composed of silica dioxide sand, oxygen and water. The gel is made up of tiny pores that absorb 40 times their weight in liquid.
When you think of silica, you might think of those packets found in a medicine bottle or in some food products like beef jerky. Those packets help keep them fresh and prevent them from getting soggy.
However, the silica used in crystal litter is specifically formulated for cat litter and a little different from what’s in those packets. It’s made from amorphous silica gel (a mined material most commonly in the form of quartz crystal) as opposed to crystalline silica gel.
Which is all probably way more information than you needed … but hey, now you know.
✅ Can You Flush Crystal Cat Litter?
Well, let’s see … crystal litter works by absorbing huge amounts of moisture and then swelling, so, um … I’m thinking no, LOL.
Seriously, though, neither clumping clay litter or silica gel crystal litter should be flushed, unless you enjoy having clogged pipes and large plumbing bills.
On a side note, you also shouldn’t flush cat feces, because cats can be direct hosts of Toxoplasma gondii, and flushing their feces also flushes those parasites into the water supply.
✅ What are the Pros and Cons of Crystal Cat Litter
I’ve switched to crystal litter over a month ago.
The short answer to that questions is, “Crystal litter is way less gross than the clumping clay litter, but it costs more.”
Here’s a more detailed list of the pros and cons of crystal litter.
- Dust-free
- Lighter in weight
- Use less litter overall
- Have to change litter less often
- Sometimes flushable and biodegradable
- Can cause less tracking since there aren’t a lot of ridges to catch on cat hair
- Softer on cat’s paws
- Extremely absorbent
- Good at controlling odor
- Easier to scoop because there are no clumps
- Urine can pool at the bottom of the box if the crystals are saturated (Although this can be prevented with regular stirring)
- Some cats find the rough shape of the crystals painful on their paws
- More expensive
- Being lighter, they are kicked around more easily
Is Crystal Litter Bad for Cats?
The official word is that amorphous silica gel is not classified as a carcinogen to humans or pets and is non-toxic if ingested.
However, this is a pretty important thing to be giving advice about, so I wanted to share information from several sources instead of just tossing off, “Oh, it’s non-toxic, it’s fine!”
What’s interesting is that clay clumping litter is more likely to be a threat, especially with young kittens.
From Ask the Cat Doctor:
I have used many different brands of clumping litter from time to time over many years and have never had a problem. However, I strongly advise against using clumping litter around young kittens. The litter may get stuck to their paws and, as they clean themselves, it may be ingested leading to intestinal problems.
There are actually some health benefits due to using crystals litter. The lack of dust is a plus for cat owners with asthma or allergies to dust. There is also less change of bacteria and molds growing in litter crystals.
According to Cuteness.com:
ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center states that consumption of litter containing silica is unlikely to harm either dog or cats. Some may show signs of tummy upset, but others are completely unaffected. In most cases, the animal will quickly pass the crystals in their waste with no harm done.
And from Pretty Litter (although granted, they are a somewhat biased source because Pretty Litter is a crystal litter product):
Clay-based cat litter has special chemicals added which cause the clay to clump when it comes into contact with your cat’s urine. This is supposed to make it easier to scoop, but those chemicals can actually be harmful to your cat. This is because your cat licks their paws after a visit to the tray, and the clay dust they lick off can expand in their tummies and intestines.
Crystal cat litter is entirely non-toxic and has no such clumping or expanding chemicals. Your cat is at no risk from licking cat litter crystals, which gives you peace of mind as a responsible pet owner.
How Often Should I Change Crystal Cat Litter?
I’ve heard people suggest anywhere from every 2 to every 6 weeks, with a month being a pretty common answer and what I personally strive for.
Pretty Litter, who sells subscriptions to their crystal cat litter, says,
A good crystal-based silica cat litter only needs to be fully changed around once a month. This means a lower carbon footprint, as it’s less trips to the grocery store or less deliveries if you’re on a subscription service like PrettyLitter. Because less cat litter is used, less energy is used in the production of cat litter, which is also great for the environment.
No matter how often you change the litter, it’s important to stir it around it regularly so that the crystal can more easily absorb litter.
Can Crystal Cat Litter Be Washed and Reused?
It never even occurred to me that I could or should be reusing my cat litter, but apparently this is a thing.
Raise a Cat says that, instead of just dumping crystal litter into a trash bag at the end of the month, instead you could:
- Use it to even out sinkholes, animal holes, or other uneven spots in your lawn. (But make sure to never put used kitty litter on a vegetable, fruit, or herb garden, because the cat waste could have harmful parasites.)
- Use the litter to soak up any oil spots — or put it in spots in your garage where your car would tend to drip, so the litter would soak it up before it hits the concrete.
- Sprinkle it over poison ivy so that it eventually dies.
I was even more surprised to see this Reddit user actually cleaned their crystal litter and then re-used it:
I poured the litter into a Home Depot orange bucket added a cup of baking soda and a cup of apple cider vinegar and let it foam up. Then I filled just over the litter level with hot water and swirled it around. Let it sit for a few hours. Drained then refilled with cold water. Let it sit overnight.
After about two or three cold water rinse cycles the urine smell was significantly diminished. I then poured the wet litter into a large baking sheet and set it in the sun to dry and sterilize.
The next day the final appearance is of almost new litter and residual smell is minimal.
Personally, this is way more work that I’d be willing to spend when I can just open another bag, but it’s good to know in a pinch, or if the environmental impact of crystal litter is very important to you.
Alright, now let’s take a deep dive into the different crystal litter brands.
Fresh Step Scented Premium Cat Litter Crystals
Fresh Step Scented Premium Cat Litter Crystals
Fresh Step Scented Premium Cat Litter Crystals boasts a 30 Days of Odor Control Guarantee, claiming they absorb 5 times more moisture than the leading clay litters, locking in the odor.
It sounds like their claim is accurate, because this reviewer was so excited to discover this litter that she almost wanted to start a new religion:
I’ve had cats my whole life and always hated cleaning the litter box; we tried every kind and brand of litter, standard boxes, fancy boxes, open boxes, closed boxes – it didn’t matter, the process of cleaning the nasty smelling litter never really changed…
Until… I found this magical litter! Thank to the Cat Gods for this invention!!!! I plan on using it for as long as I have cats (forever) – I have nothing bad to say about it – super duper highly recommended!!!!
Another nice thing about Fresh Step as a company is that they work with Best Friends Animal Society to donate hundred of thousands of pounds of cat litter to no-kill shelters every year, so you can feel good about supporting them.
PetSafe Scoop Free Premium Crystal Cat Litter
PetSafe ScoopFree Premium Crystal Cat Litter
If you want to make the switch over to crystal litter but are concerned about the higher cost, you might want to try PetSafe ScoopFree Premium, as it’s one of the best crystal litters for the money.
It comes in 3 different varieties:
- Lavender scented (synthetic, not from actual essential oil)
- Original
- Sensitive (free of perfumes or dyes)
The product includes two pre-portioned bags, each weighing 4.5 pounds. It can be used with any traditional litter boxes or with the PetSafe ScoopFree Reusable Litter Tray.
They claim to be 99% dust-free and to have 5 times the odor control of clumping litter.
Amazon reviewer Meg S, who has 3 cats, believes this is the best brand of crystal litter out there:
… we prefer crystal litter due to the superior odor control and reduced total litter box changes. We have tried all the brands, but we have found PetSafe to be the best. The odor control is even better than other litters and it has almost zero tracking, which is great!
My number one complaint with other crystal litters has been that it tracks almost as much as traditional litters and it is usually much harder to vacuum up (and it hurts like heck when you step on it by accident in bare feet). However, PetSafe is much neater and doesn’t seem to track as much as the other crystal litters. It also seems easier to vacuum up …
PetSafe ScoopFree Reusable Tray for Cat Litter Boxes
PetSafe Deluxe Cat Litter Box with Crystal Litter System – Starter Kit
You certainly don’t need to use the entire PetSafe Litter box system if you’re using their litter, but I thought it would be helpful to show how it all works together, especially if you’re considering a self-cleaning litter box.
The PetSafe Litter Box System Starter Kit comes with:
- Deluxe Crystal Cat Litter Box
- 1 Bag of Crystal Cat Litter
- Litter Scoop with Mounting Hook
- 1 Pee Pad
Litter Pearls Micro Crystals
Ultra Pet Cat Litter Pearls Micro Crystals
Anytime you see the term “micro crystals,” that means the crystals will be very small and fine, reminiscent of sand.
The plus side to this is that it’s soft on your cats paws. And if when some gets on your floor and you step on it with your bare feet, it won’t hurt like bigger crystals might.
But think about the last time you went to the beach, and you can probably imagine the downsides to micro crystals:
- It’s more dusty
- It tracks around your house.
The second downside is especially worth noting if you have a long-haired breed.
In addition, there were a few suspicions about the safety of this particular litter.
One reviewer said that the dust seemed “unnatural,” like something they didn’t want themself or their cat to be breathing.
Another reviewer, who has a thorough list of pros and cons for this litter, said:
[It] left a layer of blue dust everywhere. When I dumped this litter out and sprayed the litter boxes to clean out all of the dust, it all turned BLUE! I read a review for this brand where someone mentioned their cats paws turned blue. This just doesn’t seem healthy/safe. I did several cleanings of the box and still the paper towels came out blue. I will probably have to replace my two litter boxes!
But despite these comments, there was a lot of praise for this litter, with over 200 5-star reviews.
Many people loved the lack of litter box odor, and several people who switched from clay litter to these micro crystals loved how much easier and neater it was to clean the litter box.
Ultra Micro Crystals Non-Clumping Crystal Cat Litter
This litter comes in a 5-pound bag, has no added chemicals for fragrance, is softer on cats’ paws because the crystals are so small, and is 99.9% dust-free.
Amazon reviewer Annie has used 3 crystals litters before trying Ultra Micro, and says that so far Ultra Micro is the clear winner:
With three cats, we moved from a house to an apartment. As I write this review, we’re on week two of one bag of this litter (again, with three cats).
We were looking for:
ODOR CONTROL: by now the litter reeks of ammonia. However, this wasn’t a real issue until a couple days ago. Poop smell is only obvious right after the cats go. I’d say odor control is much better than the other silica litters we tried because we haven’t had to add another bag yet (the others needed refreshing after about four days).
LOW TRACKING: this litter seems to track more than the others we tried because of its smaller crystals, but it’s not a wild amount …
LONG LASTING: So far, this litter is the clear winner. Week two. One bag. Three cats. All other silicas we tried required adding another bag after four days or so. This bag is on it’s last leg, but it has held up to the test …
FreshMAGIC Large Chunk Style Crystal Cat Litter
FreshMAGIC Large Chunk Style Crystal Cat Litter
FreshMagic is a bit different than the rest of the litter on this litter because it uses “Large, chunk-shaped crystals” that don’t roll around like round crystals, therefore tracking less and lasting longer.
How is large is large? FreshMagic says the chunks are sized from 2 to 8 mm. (8 mm is almost one-third of an inch, if that’s easier to picture.)
They also claim to “ADsorb” rather than “ABsorb.”
So what does that mean?
Well, imagine soaking up a puddle of urine with a spone. The urine is still urine, and the urine would still smell, even though it’s in the sponge. That’s ABsorption.
But with ADsorption, there is a chemical reaction where the physical properties actually change. Instead of the odor being “trapped,” it’s completely elimated, the bateria is killed, and the litter is dry to the touch witin seconds.
This reviewer says that FreshMagic is the best litter they’ve ever used, but it’s not perfect:
- Large white crystals (large is best for silica litter) absorb well for 6 days with 2 cats using the box.
- As product is white the urine areas are easily seen making it easier to know when to change the box.
- Odor control is good for the 6 day period.
- Tracks less than the small sugar-like silica crystal litter, which is a tracking nightmare.)You can see these large crystals if tracked for easy sweeping up.
- You do not scoop out urine saturated areas with silica litter (just the solids) so tending the box is less than with other types of litter.
- Urine saturates the litter from top to bottom, unlike clay and other litters which stay drier on top and urine goes to the bottom of the box.
- Litter is unscented. (Our cats refused to use the scented type.)
With 2 cats, after 6 days the litter becomes completely saturated with urine and cats refuse to use it–wet feet!! so it doesn’t last as long as advertised … As these little “pebbles” are rougher on the feet than some other litter types our cats do not tend to cover up their solids as much as they did with clay litter so we scoop out solids as they occur.
Vibrant Life Cat Litter Mini Silica Gel Crystals
Vibrant Life Cat Litter Mini Silica Gel Crystals
Vibrant Life (formerly Mimi Litter) was another highly-rated silica gel crystal litter on Amazon. It absorbs liquids and odors in seconds. The odors stay trapped inside while the liquid evaporates
This litter lasts 20-30 days for a single cat home and 7-15 if you have multiple cats.
Neon Clumping Silica Gel Cat Litter
Neon Clumping Silica Gel Cat Litter
The Neon Clumping Silica Gel cat litter comes in fun bright colors including purple, blue, orange, pink, and neon. It has excellent odor control and is easy to remove clumps.
It’s good for all ages and stages of cats and provides convenient twice per week scooping.
Reviewers say they love the bright colors, but the tracking of cat litter can be a problem. It has also been said that this cat litter is super fine almost like sand so it can have an issue absorbing liquid as well as others.